
One-stop education platform for students, teachers, job seekers and educators

Welcome to Edukare

The one-stop educational platform


Find your perfect Institution or Private Tutor in West Bengal

Search, compare, and choose from a wide range of private tutors and educational institutions in West Bengal. You can also add, edit, verify, or report any tutor or institution in our database. Find your perfect match today!

Discover your career path and scholarship opportunities

Find your ideal jobs, academic courses, or professional courses from our listing. You can browse through them by location, qualification and more options. You can also search for scholarships and financial aid. Explore your career options today!

EduKare is the One-Stop Solution for All Your Educational Needs.

Whether you are a student, a job seeker, a teacher, or an educator, we have something for you. Our website/app offers a comprehensive directory of tutors, educational institutions, jobs, scholarships, and other educational information. You can find and compare various options based on your preferences and requirements. You can also access reviews, contact details, and application procedures.

But we don’t stop there. We also have a marketplace for e-learning, where you can buy and sell courses, books, and other educational materials. You can also find various essential teaching-learning information and tools, such as lesson plans, quizzes, assignments, and more.

Don’t waste your time and energy searching for different websites for different needs. Just visit our website/app and get everything you need in one place!